store n. 1.〔 sing., pl. 〕 贮藏,贮存;准备。 2.〔 sing. 〕 【自动化】(计算机的)存储器。 3.〔常 sing. 〕丰富;大量,多量。 4.〔英国〕栈房,仓库。 5.〔美国〕店铺,商店;〔英国〕百货店〔通常叫 the stores=〔美国〕 department store〕。 6.〔 pl. 〕 用品,必需品〔粮食、衣服等〕;补给品,备用品。 7.【商业】原料品,贮存品,存货。 8.〔常 pl. 〕= store cattle. a store of food 许多食物。 a great store of facts 许多事实。 a rich store of learning 丰富的知识。 with stores of experience 有丰富的经验。 a store of strength 充裕的体力。 a general store 百货店。 a book store 书店。 in store 准备着,贮藏着 ( I don't know what the future has in store for us. 不晓得将来究竟怎么样)。 in store for 就要落到…;替某人准备着 ( I have an hour's talk in store for you. 我有一个钟头的话要跟你谈。 I have a surprise in store for you. 我有一件要使你吃惊的事情)。 keep a store 开一个店。 lay in stores for 为…准备着。 set (great) store by 重视,器重。 set no great store by 不重视,轻视。 adj. 1.贮藏的,贮存的;储备的。 2.〔美国〕现成的。 3.畜牧的,畜产的。 store bread 店里烤的面包〔区别于家里自做的〕。 a store tooth 假牙。 a store farm 畜牧农场。 vt. 1.积蓄,贮藏;储备;把…存入仓库,把…交给栈房。 2.供应,供给。 3.蓄(电);容纳。 His head is richly stored with knowledge. 他脑子里知识可渊博啦。 Let's store the flowers away from frost. 让我们把盆花入窖过冬。 store away 把…贮藏起来。 store up 贮藏;记住 (store up a saying in one's heart 把格言记在心里)。
cash n. 现款,现金;〔口语〕钱;小额支票。 a hard cash硬币。 idle cash〔口语〕游资。 be in [out of] cash 有[无]现款。 be short of cash 现金不足,支付短少。 cash and carry 【商业】现金出售运输自理。 cash down 【商业】即期现款,即付 (sell for cash down 现卖)。 cash in hand 现有金额(=〔美国〕cash on hand)。 cash on delivery 货到收款〔略 C.O.D.〕;售价。 equal to cash 〔口语〕真正有价值[功劳]的。 keep the cash 做现金出纳。 run out of cash 现金短缺。 vt. 1.把…兑换现款;为…付[收]现款 (for)。 2.【牌戏】先出(赢牌)。 cash a check 把支票兑现。 vi. 赚钱。 cash in 〔美俚〕 1. 赚到钱,抓到赚钱的机会。 2. 死。 ( After her husband cashed in, she lived with her sons. 丈夫死后,她和儿子住在一起。)3.清算,决算,结束;断绝关系。4.兑换成现金;变卖财产。5.预先准备;乘机行事。 cash in on 〔美口〕用…赚钱;利用(cashin on one's ability to speak 利用自己的口才)。 cash in one's checks [chips] (赌毕)以筹码换现钱;〔俚语〕死。 n. 〔sing., pl. 〕(印度和中国旧时的)铜钱,小铜币。
cash in 兑现;收到…的货款; 连续兑现; 现金流入; 占便宜,赚大钱,把值钱的东西换钱; 赚到钱
He loved higginbotham s cash store as some men loved their wives 他爱他的希金波坦现金商店有如某些人爱他们的妻子。
The upstairs he could rent , and the whole ground - floor of both buildings would be higginbotham s cash store 他可以把楼上租出去,把两套楼房的楼下用作希金波坦现金商店。
He was fulfilling his duty as a citizen and bringing up a large family . and there was higginbotham s cash store , that monument of his own industry and ability 他完成了一个公民的义务,拉扯大了一大家人,这才有了希金波坦现金商店,那是他的才能和勤劳的丰碑。
Hialeah gardens , florida ( ap ) - - two men robbed an armored truck of $ 1 . 8 million as it delivered money to a check cashing store wednesday , authorities said Hialeah gardens佛罗里达(美联社) - -警方消息,两个抢匪从一辆驶往验钞站的装甲运钞车上抢走了180万美元。
He sat opposite bernard higginbotham at a heavy sunday dinner over higginbotham s cash store , and it was all he could do to restrain himself from shouting out : - 在希金波坦现金商店楼上的一顿丰盛的晚宴上,他坐在伯纳德希金波坦的对面,好不容易才算控制了自己,没有叫出声来:
The cub had been industrious . he had scurried around and nosed out martin s family history , and procured a photograph of higginbotham s cash store with bernard higginbotham himself standing out in front 他四面打听,嗅出了一些马丁的家庭历史,弄到了一张希金波坦现金商店的照片,照片上伯纳德希金波坦站在门口。
As the car crossed the zone of scattered dwellings that separated oakland from berkeley , he kept a lookout for a familiar , two - story building along the front of which ran the proud sign , higginbotham s cash store 汽车经过奥克兰和伯克利之间那个住宅稀疏的地区时,他一直在注意一幢熟悉的一楼一底的建筑,楼前有一块神气十足的大招牌:希金波坦现金商店。
To mr . higginbotham such a dinner was advertisement of his worldly achievement and prosperity , and he honored it by delivering platitudinous sermonettes upon american institutions and the opportunity said institutions gave to any hard - working man to rise - the rise , in his case , which he pointed out unfailingly , being from a grocer s clerk to the ownership of higginbotham s cash store 这顿饭是他事业有成繁荣兴旺的广告。在席上他总要发表一篇老套的说教,夸赞美国的制度和它能给一切肯吃苦的人上进的机会。他总要指出,他就是从一个杂货店店员上升为希金波坦现金商店的老板的。